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Avoid Burnout: Manage your Work-Life Balance while Freelancing

Written by Denila Lobo | Jun 15, 2020 6:30:00 PM

Freelancing can give you more control over your work life, but finding a balance between work and personal time can be challenging. If you’re not careful, you can get overworked and burned out.

Burnout is when you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted from too much stress. It can happen to anyone, but it’s more common for freelancers who work long hours and feel pressure to meet deadlines.

Freelancers experience burnout when they

  • work long hours,
  • have multiple clients,
  • and have trouble setting boundaries between work and personal lives.

Thus it is essential to have a good work-life balance. A good work-life balance is a healthy balance between work and personal life. It means having enough time for your work and commitments without feeling too stressed.

Tips for Finding Work-Life Balance as a Freelancer

1. Set boundaries:

Define clear limits between your work and personal time. This means not checking work emails or messages outside your working hours and not working on personal projects during work hours. Letting your clients and colleagues know your working hours and availability is also essential. You can avoid burnout and create a more balanced life by setting boundaries.

Here are some specific things you can do to set boundaries:

  • Set clear working hours and stick to them as much as possible.
  • Turn off your work phone and computer when you’re not working.
  • Don’t work on personal projects during work hours.

2. Take breaks:

As a freelancer, getting caught up in your work and forgetting to take breaks can be easy. However, taking breaks is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. When you take breaks, you give your mind and body a chance to rest and recharge, which can help you to be more productive in the long run.

Here are some tips for taking breaks as a freelancer:

  • Set a timer for 20-30 minutes and work until it goes off. Then, take a break. It will help you stay focused and productive.
  • Find a quiet place to take your breaks where you won’t be interrupted. It will help you relax and de-stress.
  • Make sure to get up and move around during your breaks. It will help to improve your circulation and reduce muscle tension.
  • Avoid checking work emails or messages during your breaks. It will help you disconnect from work and enjoy your break.
  • Use your breaks to do something you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones. It will help you relax and recharge.

3. Delegate tasks:

In a freelancing job, it is tempting to do everything yourself. However, this can lead to burnout and a loss of productivity. Instead, learn to delegate tasks to others. This could include hiring virtual assistants, outsourcing work, or asking friends or family for help.

Here are some tips for delegating tasks as a freelancer:

  • Identify the tasks you can delegate: Not all tasks are created equal. Some tasks hold more importance than others, while others are more difficult. Focus on delegating the tasks that are less important or less difficult.
  • Find the right people to delegate to: When you delegate tasks, you give someone else control over your work. Finding people you can trust and capable of doing the work well is vital.
  • Be clear about your expectations: When you delegate a task, be clear about your expectations. This includes the deadline, the quality standards, and the level of involvement you expect.
  • Provide the necessary resources: If you’re delegating a task requiring specialized skills or knowledge, provide the resources needed to the person you’re delegating to.
  • Follow up regularly: Once you’ve delegated a task, it’s essential to follow up regularly to make sure that it’s being completed on time and to your satisfaction.

4. Take care of your health:

When you take care of your health, you’re better able to handle the challenges of freelancing and avoid burnout. Being unable to take care of your health can lead to several health problems, including


  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • and difficulty concentrating.

Here’s how you can take care of yourself:

  • Eating healthy: Eating healthy foods gives you the energy and nutrients to focus and be productive. It also helps to improve your mood and reduce stress levels.
  • Getting enough sleep: When well-rested, you’re better able to handle stress and make sound decisions. Sleep also helps to improve your creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Exercising regularly: Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. It also helps to reduce stress and improve your overall health.


Setting clear expectations about time and money is important when working with international clients. By doing this, you can avoid misunderstandings and ensure you and your client are happy with the arrangement. Here are some tips for handling international clients.

  • Select a time that is suitable for both of you. When working with clients in different time zones, finding a time that works for everyone involved is crucial. This may mean working early or late in the day or even working on weekends.
  • Clearly defining schedules of your time away from work. Let your clients know when you’re taking holidays or other time off. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings or missed deadlines.
  • Using a payment method that is convenient and affordable: Using a convenient, affordable, and quick payment method is essential when working with international clients. This could be a wire transfer, a PayPal account, or a dedicated payment processor. Consider all your options before making a decision.

Here are some specific things to look for in a payment method when working with international clients:

  • Convenience: This means that it should be easy to set up and use and be accepted in the countries where your clients are located.
  • Affordability: The payment method should have low fees. This is especially important when working with international clients, as international transfers can be expensive.
  • Speed: The payment method should be quick and efficient. In other words, your payments should be processed quickly, and you should not have to wait 5-7 business days to receive your funds.

Managing International Payments Stress-Free

Winvesta is a great option for Indian freelancers who are receiving international payments. You’ll get your own global collection account to accept global collections. You can receive payments from 180 countries in 30+ currencies. And withdraw your money to INR in as little as 1 day at rates starting at $3 + 0.99%!

So if you’re an Indian freelancer looking for a more convenient and affordable method to receive cross-border payments, Winvesta is the right choice!

Open your Winvesta account today!