Financial Ratio Analysis: What Every Investor Should Know Before Investing
Financial ratios help you interpret any company’s finances’ raw data to get actionable inputs on its overall performance. You can source the ratios from a company’s financial statements to evaluate its valuation, rates of return, profitability, growth, margins, leverage, liquidity, and more.
Earnings Per Share – Everything Investors Need to Know
Investment mistakes can cost you money, and that’s why you must try to avoid them. Successful investing is not just about selecting the right stocks. One must also avoid simple mistakes that might undo all the previous hard work.
10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Investing in Global Stock Markets
Investment mistakes can cost you money, and that’s why you must try to avoid them. Successful investing is not just about selecting the right stocks. One must also avoid simple mistakes that might undo all the previous hard work.
Thematic Investing – What is it & Why Should Investors Care About It?
Thematic investing is an investing method where you identify significant opportunities or invest in popular trends without extensive research on individual stocks. Thematic investing has many benefits including giving concentrated exposure to some of the future trends in the market.
The Airbnb IPO - A Primer
American vacation rental provider Airbnb aims to go public this week with a price range of $56 to $60 per share. The company seeks a valuation of over $40B on a fully diluted basis as per the latest filings submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The plan is to initially raise as much as $3B in IPO.
The Advantages of International Global Collections Account
A multi-currency bank account is a type of bank account, which allows you to receive, pay, and hold multiple currencies. With a multi-currency account, you may deposit and withdraw cash in different currencies. It enables you to do transactions involving various currencies through a single platform.